Wednesday, September 11, 2013

OK this is a little late, but the cord to my camera likes to hide from me, lol. I have experienced several first day of kindergarten before this year, 4 to be exact, but this year I was having a hard time at letting my Jacob go off to school. This was for many reasons, and I am sure people could tell I was not ready, we did not get him registered until 3 days before school started. First, Jacob his a older kindergartener, he will be 6 next month, so I have had him home with me longer than some of the other kids. Second, our district changed to full-day kindergarten here, so I was worried that he would not handle all day there very well. Third, in public settings, he is quite shy and quiet, takes after his mother. Fourth, he had not attended any kind of pre-school, not sure how he would measure up to the kids that had. And fifth, he is my one and only left-handed child. I did not know how he would be received at school by his peers because he writes differently than they do. All in all, I did not cry when he waved good-bye and marched off with his class and never looked back, lol. I have not been worried about him since he got into the car the end of that first day and said that he loved school and couldn't wait to go back the next day. I guess I always over worry about my kids, but that is my job as their mother. :)
Jacob's First Day of Kindergarten.

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